Tutorial hint graphics for clicking the gamepad sticks appear to be missing, which makes tutorial hints look like this:
To reproduce:
- Bind a control that has a tutorial hint to clicking one of the gamepad sticks. A concrete example would be to bind "change gravity" to clicking the right stick.
- Start a new game with the gamepad to see tutorial hints.
Note: I already posted this on Twitter, because I was unaware of this forum.
Tutorial hint graphics for clicking the gamepad sticks appear to be missing, which makes tutorial hints look like this:
To reproduce:
1. Bind a control that has a tutorial hint to clicking one of the gamepad sticks. A concrete example would be to bind "change gravity" to clicking the right stick.
2. Start a new game with the gamepad to see tutorial hints.
_Note: I already [posted this on Twitter](https://twitter.com/ThisSpaceBlank/status/1185691334876815362), because I was unaware of this forum._