Hey, Mr. Chyr! Was having a wonderful time with your game...completed all six main areas and had progressed approximately 2 or 3 puzzle areas after that (I remember a specific area where I had to grow a tree to use as a platform to move to the left and carry a cube to open a door there), when my computer hard-locked and it appears my save game was corrupted.
I'm a Unity dev myself, so I brought up the save data (which appears to be full of nothing), which causes a JSON exception upon opening the game (blank, sepia-toned screen). This doesn't particularly bother me...the hard lock was likely unrelated and it could have been coincidentally in the middle of an auto-save operation, perhaps. I don't have repro steps.
However, is it possible to maybe grab a save file around that time in the game?
For debug purposes, though I don't think it's particularly useful, I've included a link to the save data and output file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/p5yiw75f7ulct6n/Manifold%20Garden.zip?dl=0
Hey, Mr. Chyr! Was having a wonderful time with your game...completed all six main areas and had progressed approximately 2 or 3 puzzle areas after that (I remember a specific area where I had to grow a tree to use as a platform to move to the left and carry a cube to open a door there), when my computer hard-locked and it appears my save game was corrupted.
I'm a Unity dev myself, so I brought up the save data (which appears to be full of nothing), which causes a JSON exception upon opening the game (blank, sepia-toned screen). This doesn't particularly bother me...the hard lock was likely unrelated and it could have been coincidentally in the middle of an auto-save operation, perhaps. I don't have repro steps.
However, is it possible to maybe grab a save file around that time in the game?
For debug purposes, though I don't think it's particularly useful, I've included a link to the save data and output file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/p5yiw75f7ulct6n/Manifold%20Garden.zip?dl=0