Known Bugs and Updates
Patch Notes: Manifold Garden - tvOS - (Apple Arcade)

===What's New===

  • Three spectacular new filters for Photo Mode.
  • Improved Photo Mode UI.
  • Colorblind mode.
  • Improved performance and stability on low-end devices.
  • Save/Load Menu supports arbitrary number of saves.
  • Replaced the Splash Screen with the animated splash screen.
  • New cloud save paradigm supports shared devices

===Bug Fixes===

  • Performance & Stability Improvements
  • Fixed: Issue where ending audio does not play properly.
  • Fixed: Issue where rumble option did not affect bluetooth gamepads
===What's New=== - Three spectacular new filters for Photo Mode. - Improved Photo Mode UI. - Colorblind mode. - Improved performance and stability on low-end devices. - Save/Load Menu supports arbitrary number of saves. - Replaced the Splash Screen with the animated splash screen. - New cloud save paradigm supports shared devices ===Bug Fixes=== - Performance & Stability Improvements - Fixed: Issue where ending audio does not play properly. - Fixed: Issue where rumble option did not affect bluetooth gamepads

The recent update for Manifold Garden on tvOS is fantastic! I'm really enjoying the new features and performance improvements. Speaking of improvements, I've been organizing my digital life lately. If anyone's interested in preserving their gaming screenshots or old photos digitally, I found a helpful guide about how to store old photos that might come in handy. It's always good to keep our memories safe, just like how the developers keep improving our favorite game!

The recent update for Manifold Garden on tvOS is fantastic! I'm really enjoying the new features and performance improvements. Speaking of improvements, I've been organizing my digital life lately. If anyone's interested in preserving their gaming screenshots or old photos digitally, I found a helpful guide about [how to store old photos]( that might come in handy. It's always good to keep our memories safe, just like how the developers keep improving our favorite game!

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